FCEI Convention 2018. The urgency of talking over complexity

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Rome (NEV), November 2, 2018 – As part of the in-depth analysis proposed in view of the next First Convention of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), NEV press agency interviewed pastor Daniele Garrone, Old Testament professor at the Waldensian theological faculty and coordinator of the Study department of the Dialogue and integration study commission (COSDI) of FCEI.

Garrone explained that the Commission is an advisory body of the FCEI’s Council, and as such its purpose is to reflect on important issues for the cultural debate and the public discussion in the Country and in the Protestant churches. Secularism, pluralism, historical awareness are the topics on which the Commission’s attention was focused in the last three years. The Commission contributed in the organization of the celebration in Rome of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, in particular coordinating a round table on the “The Reformation relevance in multi-faith Italy”.

At present – continued Garrone – the Commission is working at the editing of the volume for the Week of freedom 2019. The focus this year is on Europe, which is a traditionally significant horizon for the Federation churches, and on the issues of ‘populism’, citizenship and representative democracy.
For the future COSDI is engaged in the production of a dossier about “The presence of Protestants in the public life”. The intention is to make briefly accessible to a large number of people and to the information world, up-to-date information about the presence of Protestants in Italy, the way the Eight per thousand funds are used by the churches, the FCEI’s activities (starting with the Humanitarian corridors and Mediterranean hope).

“The style and the level of the public ‘confrontation’ in Italy urgently require the need for in-depth study about historical awareness, attention to complexity in alternative to ‘perception’ and to “I like/dislike”, reasoning and not screaming….The Commission intends to bring forth this wearing, but urgent task”, concluded Garrone.