Lebanon, the FCEI appeal for Beirut continues

Rome (NEV), 20th August 2020 - The toll taken by the tragic explosion in Beirut on 4th August has significantly worsened.  According to data...

Ethical tomatoes. A project in Sicily

Rome (NEV), August 21, 2020 - The press conference for the presentation of the project against illegal hiring was held on August 13 in...

Ecumene becomes an Eco-Community

Rome (NEV), August 21, 2020 - On August 16, the Methodist Evangelical Center for Studies, Community Life and Worship, Ecumene, in Velletri, received the...

There is no Synod, but …

Rome (NEVCS / 23), August  8, 2020 - "Generations and regenerations. Taking care of people, memories and territories". This is the initiative that will...

The new bridge of Genoa. A Protestant reflection on the day of the inauguration

Rome (NEV), August 8, 2020 - Almost two years after the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, in which 43 people died, the new viaduct...

Beirut, FCEI launches appeal

Rome (NEVCS/22), 7th August 2020 – After the devastating explosion which struck the Lebanese capital on 4th August, the Federation of Protestant Churches in...

Bouchard. The condolence of the Pentecostal churches

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - The president of the Federation of Pentecostal churches, pastor Carmine Napolitano, sent to pastor Luca Maria Negro, as...

Mourning. Pastor Giorgio Bouchard passed away

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - “With Giorgio Bouchard, one of the last witnesses of a protestant  generation, who lived its faith in constant...

“Rooting in the new”. The Baptists adhesion

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - Giovanni Paolo Arcidiacono, president of the Union of the Baptist Christian Evangelical Churches in Italy (UCEBI)  expressed full...

Syria and the right to health / 3. The war is not over, mobilization...

Rome (NEV),  July 29, 2020 - The final part of the editorial in three episodes by Luciano Griso, doctor in charge of Medical Hope...

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