Rome (NEV), March 28, 2017 – On Friday, March 17th, the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, were opened with a Conference promoted by the two Chambers of the Italian Parliament and attended by the presidents of all the parliaments of the member states of the European Union.
Among the organizations invited, also the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), represented by its vice president, the Lutheran Christiane Schroeder-Werth Groeben. “I am delighted and honored – said Groeben – by this invitation personally advanced to FCEI by President Grasso on occasion of the visit at the Senate of a delegation of the Evangelical Church of Westfalia. The words he expressed on that occasion to the contribution of the Italian Protestants for a united Europe and to our projects (Mediterranean Hope for instance), are an important recognition for all our churches and all our operators”.
Signed on March 25, 1957 at the Capitol Hill in Rome, by the governments of Italy, France, West Germany, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, the treaties who established the Euratom and the European Economic Community (EEC), are the basis of the integration process leading to the present European Union.