The Articolo 21 card to the FCEI president

The journalist and president of Articolo 21 Paolo Borrometi, sent the honorary membership card to the president of the FCEI, Luca Maria Negro

Rome (NEV), July 20, 2019 – “The duty to inform … the right to be informed”, this is the inscription printed on the membership card of the Association Articolo 21, liberi di…, under the symbol of the Italian Republic (created by the Waldensian illustrator of Torre Pellice (To), Paolo Paschetto, and approved by the Constituent Assembly on January 31, 1948).

A membership card that the president of Articolo 21 – the association for freedom of  press and of thought – Paolo Borrometi (a journalist who lives under protection for his inquiries related to the mafia in Sicily, in particular between Vittoria and Pachino), wanted to donate yesterday evening to the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), pastor Luca Maria Negro. Borrometi delivered the card to the FCEI delegation present  at the annual assembly of the association.

The FCEI delegation was composed by Luca Baratto, executive secretary, Barbara Battaglia, responsible for the communication of Mediterranean Hope (MH), the FCEI refugee and migrant program, and by Gian Mario Gillio, person responsible of the institutional and external relations of  FCEI.

“A small tribute to President Negro – said Paolo Borrometi, handing the card to Gian Mario Gillio – for the work that FCEI carries out in terms of religious freedom,  environment defense and human rights especially with regards to the ecumenical initiative of the Humanitarian Corridors”.

President Negro appreciated the gesture: “I am pleased with this thought, a symbolic gift but rich in meaning. As FCEI we appreciate the work of Articolo 21 in defense of freedom and democracy. Together with them, the Press Room of the Sacred Convent of Assisi and the leaders of the Muslim and Jewish communities, we have created the Carta di Assisi: the first international manifesto against media barriers. I renew the closeness and solidarity of the FCEI to Borrometi for the work that he and many other investigative journalists carry out to defend legality and combat mafias and crime”.

Several the persons who received the membership cards at the assembly, we recall among others the writer Dijana Pavlocic, the Megalizzi family,  Donato Ungaro, the teacher Rosa Maria dell’Aria, Radio Radicale and the staff of the newspapers Il Manifesto and Avvenire.

The event was held at the International Women’s House and ended with the display on the stage of a banner for Giulio Regeni. The lawyer Alessandra Ballerini read a letter sent by Giulio’s parents for the occasion, in memory of the young researcher killed in Egypt under obscure circumstances.