Short news from the Synod

Rome (NEV),  September 7, 2019

Three new pastors

During the Synod opening worship service, three new pastors have been ordained to the pastoral ministry, with the laying on of hands by the pastoral body and the whole gathered community: Marco Casci, Sophie Langeneck, Nicola Tedoldi. They all come from different backgrounds and different life experiences – explained Fulvio Ferrario, dean of the Waldensian faculty of theology – and will bring in their ministry their own specificities.

No to violence against women

The Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian churches adopted the document of the Churches Ecumenical Council (CEC) about sexual violence against women. The Synod also asked the churches to join the global campaign ”Black Thursday” and to promote and witness their support to this world movement which opposes the culture of rape, gender injustice, abuse.  Local churches are invited to spread news on the subject in their territories.

Security decree

The Synod during the session of September 27 received the concern of the churches for the loss of social and civil rights to which, after the Security decree (Law 132/2018 and Law 77/2019), people in marginality conditions are being exposed. The Synod asked the churches to be active in their territories towards the inclusion of every person through awareness actions and lobbying on local institutions.

Religious freedom and civil rights

The main theme of the session of September 28 was  ”Religious freedom and civil rights”. The Synod invited local churches to consider the possibility to make available adequate spaces for muslim communities and for all other religious confessions which, in many Italian regions, are limited in their right to pray. The Synod also gave mandate to the Waldensian Board and to the Permanent Committee of the Work of the Evangelical Methodist Churches in Italy (OPCEMI) to continue the awareness initiatives in the public opinion for the establishment of a National Day for the Freedom of conscience, religion and thought, suggesting the date of February 17.