Rome (NEV), April 3, 2020 – “The attention of public administrations should be focused on the ongoing health emergency, and the reflection on current events should lead to a rethinking of economic structures, to be clearly reoriented towards respectful modalities of dignity and human life, certainly not compatible with the production of war bombs used substantially for the attack, such as RWM bombs”.
These are the words contained in the press release issued by the Reconversion Committee of RWM for Peace and Sustainable Work, which includes the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI ) and the Evangelical Baptist Church of Carbonia and Sulcis Iglesiente (Sardinia).
The Committee reports that the factory, located in Domusnovas, “has stopped the production of weapons and explosives so as not to burden the health system in the event of an accident. At the same time, RWM does not renounce to the work for the expansion of the factory in the Iglesias territory”.
The RWM Reconversion Committee for Peace and Sustainable Work recalls that while the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, calls for “an immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world” it is more necessary than ever to break “the vicious link between what is hypocritically called the ‘defense industry’ and the proliferation of conflicts”.
GLAM, sharing the contents of the press release, expresses its perplexity for the lack of vision of the administrations that do not grasp the historical passage that is being experienced and do not take the opportunity of rethinking the production system. GLAM invites everyone to reflect on how, taking advantage of the sad circumstance of corona virus, it is possible to think of a different future.
No more weapons. May the corona virus lead us to a different future
The Globalization and Environment Commission of the Federation of Protestant Churches invites us to think about a sustainable production and consumption structure