Deborah D’Auria received a mention by Amnesty International-Italia

Rome (NEV /, December 14, 2018 - The Amnesty International group of the “Litorale Romano”, which covers the whole area south of Rome,...

Syria. Snow and freezing temperatures: catastrophic situation in the refugee camps

Roma (NEV), 15 gennaio 2019 - Lebanon was recently hit by a heavy snowstorm that made it difficult for the inhabitants and especially the Syrians...

Women. Rights for women, rights for everyone

Rome (NEV), March 30, 2019 - “Gender justice, rights for every woman, rights for everyone. The contribution of women in a society in search...

Stop the Italian production of bombs that kill civilians in Yemen

Rome (NEV), May 31, 2019 - The Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) is paying attention...

GLAM. Concerns for environment, food security, human rights: churches are invited to stand for...

Rome (NEV), August 25, 2019 - “The urgency of the situation requires that Christians and churches give tangible signs of their faith by collaborating...

La Pecora Elettrica. The solidarity of the Centocelle Baptists

Rome (NEV), November 9, 2019 - "The first reaction to this latest fire is the difficulty in understanding the reason for this gesture". This...

Maria Vingiani, teacher of ecumenism, passed away

Rome (NEV), January 24, 2020 - Maria Vingiani, founder of the Secretariat for Ecumenical Activities (SAE), died on the eve of the 2020 Week...

Corona virus. Fund-raising of the Lutheran Church

Rome (NEV),  March 29, 2020 - The Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI)  launched the fund-raising campaign "TOGETHER AGAINST COVID-19", in support of the...

George Floyd. Methodists: “Racism is a sin”

Rome (NEV), June 5,  2020 - The Standing Committee of the Action for the Methodist Evangelical Churches in Italy (OPCEMI) issued a statement on...

Bouchard. The condolence of the Pentecostal churches

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 - The president of the Federation of Pentecostal churches, pastor Carmine Napolitano, sent to pastor Luca Maria Negro, as...

Ultimi Articoli

Domani al via il Sinodo della Chiesa Luterana in Italia

Roma (NEV/CELI), 24 aprile 2024 – Si aprirà domani, 25 aprile,  presso l’Hotel Villa Aurelia, Via Leone XIII, 459 a Roma, il Sinodo annuale...

Difendi, cura e salva. Un mondo senza insetti è un mondo senza vita

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – È online a disposizione di tutte le persone interessate l’e-book gratuito realizzato dalla Commissione globalizzazione e ambiente (GLAM)...

Il Global Christian Forum: agiremo per la restaurazione del mondo

Roma (NEV/Riforma/CEC), 22 aprile 2024 - Dal 15 al 20 aprile  si è svolto ad Accra, la capitale del Ghana, il quarto incontro mondiale del Global Christian...

Servizio civile tra crisi del volontariato e trasformazioni del lavoro

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – Intervistando il responsabile della gestione dei volontari di Servizio civile della Diaconia valdese, Stefano Bertuzzi, abbiamo raccolto alcune...

I corridoi umanitari a Sabir

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – Oltre 1600 persone, più di 80 relatrici e relatori per un totale di 45 eventi: 30 seminari e...