Rome (NEV), March 14, 2018 – On Sunday March 11, the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation o Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) conferred to the Waldensian Church of Piazza Cavour in Rome, the “Eco-community Certificate”. The recognition is part of the strategies that GLAM proposes to congregations to reduce their ecological mark also within the Church.
“Basic ecological good practices have been written on big posters by the pupils of the Sunday school”, told the NEV Agency Maria Elena Lacquaniti, member of GLAM. “Simple notes for everyone to make clear how important it is to educate young generations to the issues of creation, environment and economic justice since childhood”.
The certificate was given to the community pastor Giuseppe Platone, who declared “It is a path of conversion, linked to Christian identity and it involves every single person with his/her own lifestyle”.
The Sunday liturgy saw the participation of Pastor Herbert Anders, who focused on two biblical texts about famine and abundance, respectively from Genesis 47 and Luke 12: “An invitation to accept without anxiety the concept of sobriety in the life of each of us”, concluded Lacquaniti.