“Rooting in the new”. The Baptists adhesion

The Union of the Baptist Christian Evangelical Churches in Italy expressed its adhesion to the ecumenical document "Rooting in the new"

Rome (NEV), July 30, 2020 – Giovanni Paolo Arcidiacono, president of the Union of the Baptist Christian Evangelical Churches in Italy (UCEBI)  expressed full adhesion to “Rooting in the new”, the ecumenical document for the post-COVID19, elaborated by a group of “citizens belonging to different Christian denominations” in Milan, with the aim of helping communities to  question themselves and take commitments, both political and theological, in the aftermath of the pandemic.
In the message of adhesion Arcidiacono hopes that the document “will find wide diffusion in churches of all  denominations to stimulate dialogue and the active participation of believers in the request for peace, social and economic justice, reception of migrants and the integrity of creation”.
On behalf of the UCEBI Arcidiacono “also hopes that the document will find the right attention at the Italian Government to take into consideration the heartfelt appeals contained therein”, such as the ‘paradoxical providentiality’ of the pandemic which should stimulate a desire for re-birth and of ‘repentance’, a secular and religious term that refers to a critical and self-critical vision of our way of life.
“May the God of peace, grace and mercy watch over His creation”, concludes the UCEBI president.