Milan, damages and intimidation at the School of Popular Culture. The protestant churches: “We...

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2018 - "The Baptist Church of Milan, Via Jacopino da Tradate, has been supporting the work of Mrs. Carmen for...

The FCEI Welcome Manifesto arrives to the States

Rome (NEV), 18 September 2018 - The American Waldensian Society (AWS) takes up the "Welcome Manifesto: this is a church which welcomes" approved by...

Naso: The fact that Italy might be closer to Orban than to the UN...

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2018 – “As a Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) we cannot but approve and support the clear words...

Rome. At the world conference on xenophobia, refugees talked about the role of the...

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2018 – Migrants and refugees participated in the “World Conference on Xenophobia, Racism and Populist Nationalism in the context of...

The Vinay Award

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 - Agnese Iacobelli and Camilla Macciani, students of the University of Florence, are the winners of the third edition...

Florence names a bridge after Giorgio Spini

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 - Saturday 22 September 2018, at 12 a.m., a bridge will be named after Giorgio Spini, an illustrious historian...

An infopoint for young people in the house confiscated from a mafioso

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 – For the first time in the history of the municipality of Riesi (Caltanissetta, Sicily), a property confiscated from...

Immigration Statistical Dossier 2018. One student out of 10 is a foreigner, but in...

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 - 826,000 foreign citizens enrolled in the 2016/2017 school year, about one tenth (9.4%) of the total school population,...

Waldensian and Methodist 8 per thousand. More than a thousand projects in Italy and...

Rome (NEV), September 14, 2018 – The projects financed for 2018 by the Union of the Methodist and Waldensian churches through the 8 per...

Salvation Army. School-kit for pupils in trouble

Rome (NEV /, September 14, 2018 – Also for this school year the Salvation Army (EDS) comes into action in favor of disadvantaged...

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Il Primo Maggio di Lampedusa

Roma (NEV), 29 aprile 2024 – C'è anche un'altra Lampedusa. Che riflette sui temi del lavoro e sul futuro delle persone che approdano in...

Concluso a Roma il Sinodo luterano

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