Corona virus. From the interviews to three pastors in the times of contagion

Rome, (NEV), March 15, 2020 - We publish some passages contained in the interviews to three pastors by the NEV Agency at the time...

Corona virus. Italian evangelical hospitals reorganize themselves

Rome (NEV /, March 15,  2020 - On the on-line magazine Marta D'Auria tells how the evangelical hospitals of Genoa and Naples...

Corona virus. Fear explodes in prisons

Rome (NEV /, March 15, 2020 – Schools and  cinemas closed,  quota for coffee bars  and night-clubs, distances to be respected, people and...

Coronavirus, Faith beyond Fear

Torre Pellice, February the 28th , 2020 The text of the letter the Waldensian Board sent to the members of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches in...

Assisted suicide in Germany. Savarino: “let’s pay attention to only apparently autonomous choices”

Rome (NEV), March 8,  2020 - Luca Savarino, coordinator of the Bioethics Commission of the Methodist, Baptist and Waldensian churches in Italy and member...

Waldensian Board: “To be a community at the time of Corona-virus”

Rome (NEV), March 8, 2020 - The Waldensian Board sent a reflection to the whole Waldensian and Methodist community on the situation that is...

Greece, FCEI: “Ready to replicate Humanitarian Corridors”

Rome (NEV CS/07), 6th March 2020 – “What is happening on the borders of Europe, in Greece and Turkey, challenges Europe’s moral and legal conscience,...

Against the “crazy and wild cries” of anti-Semitism

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2020 - On February 17, 1898, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the patent letters with which the...

The plant-community. Olivetti, 60 years after his death

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2020 - 60 years ago, the Carnival of the orange battle was not celebrated in Ivrea. The Piedmontese city was...

Thirty years without Sandro Pertini, the partisan president

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2020 - On February 24, 1990, thirty years ago, Sandro Pertini died. A partisan president who made the history of...

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Il Sinodo luterano entra nel vivo

Roma (NEV), 26 aprile 2024 – A 75 anni dalla loro fondazione, i luterani italiani aderenti alla Celi, dopo la relazione del presidente uscente...

Domani al via il Sinodo della Chiesa Luterana in Italia

Roma (NEV/CELI), 24 aprile 2024 – Si aprirà domani, 25 aprile,  presso l’Hotel Villa Aurelia, Via Leone XIII, 459 a Roma, il Sinodo annuale...

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Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – È online a disposizione di tutte le persone interessate l’e-book gratuito realizzato dalla Commissione globalizzazione e ambiente (GLAM)...

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Roma (NEV/Riforma/CEC), 22 aprile 2024 - Dal 15 al 20 aprile  si è svolto ad Accra, la capitale del Ghana, il quarto incontro mondiale del Global Christian...

Servizio civile tra crisi del volontariato e trasformazioni del lavoro

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – Intervistando il responsabile della gestione dei volontari di Servizio civile della Diaconia valdese, Stefano Bertuzzi, abbiamo raccolto alcune...