The prestigious “World Methodist Peace Award” bestowed to the Methodist Churches’ Work Organization in...

Torre Pellice (Turin), August 31, 2018 - Bishop Ivan M. Abrahams and Gillian M. Kingston, respectively secretary general and  vice president of the World...

Synod. Communion, mission, justice: to be a church in Europe today

Torre Pellice (Turin), August 31, 2018 – “Today’s challenge is to understand the great transformations in progress; as far as religions are concerned the...

Waldensian and methodist Synod. Annual report 2017

Torre Pellice (Turin), August 31, 2018 – “’To present an annual report’ is not only a democratic practice that allows  bottom-up checking, the transparency...

Synod. The Sociological Survey on the Ecclesiastic Resources and Statistics has been presented

Rome (NEV), August 31, 2018 - "The Sociological Survey on the Ecclesiastic Resources and Statistics” (RI.SO.RSE), presented on August 28 at the Synod of...

Synod. The Synod adheres to the FCEI’S Welcome Manifesto

Torre Pellice (Turin), August 31, 2018 – On the afternoon of August 28 the Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches approved the Welcome...

Synod. The greetings of Pope Francis and of Msgr. Maurizio Malvestiti

Torre Pellice (Turin) August 31, 2018 – With a message signed by his own hand, Pope Francis sent his greetings to the Synod of...

Waldensianand methodist Synod – Opening worship: those who conform to the barbarism of their...

Torre Pellice (Turin), August 31, 2018 – The Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian churches started on Sunday afternoon of August 26, in Torre...

Methodist and Waldensian Synod. The opening on Sunday 26 August in Torre Pellice (TO)

Rome (NEV / CS29), August 22,  2018 - The annual Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian churches opens in Torre Pellice (Turin) on  August...

#PonteMorandi. The condolences of the evangelical churches for the bridge collapse in Genoa

Rome (NEV), August 22, 2018 - "We join in the condolences for the victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa and...

Pastor Eugenio Bernardini, moderator of the Waldensian Board: A word to say to a...

Rome (NEV / Riforma), August 18, 2018 - The Methodist and Waldensian churches are heading to their Synod in an Italy that shows resentment,...

Ultimi Articoli

Il Primo Maggio di Lampedusa

Roma (NEV), 29 aprile 2024 – C'è anche un'altra Lampedusa. Che riflette sui temi del lavoro e sul futuro delle persone che approdano in...

Concluso a Roma il Sinodo luterano

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