Earthquake. In Treia FCEI contributes to the opening of the new secondary school

Rome (NEV), June 8, 2017 – On May 27 last, the new headquarters of the Paladini Secondary School of Treia (near Macerata) were inaugurated...

Time of Creation 2019. The priority of climate change

Rome (NEV), September 7, 2019 - The theme of waste and sustainability was chosen this year by the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of...

Eight per thousand, increasing requests for young people and culture

Rome (NEV), February 8, 2021 – The requests for the Waldensian Eight per thousand funds keep on increasing confirming a constant growth in the...

No more weapons. May the corona virus lead us to a different future

Rome (NEV), April 3, 2020 - "The attention of public administrations should be focused on the ongoing health emergency, and the reflection on current...

Cinema. Michele Lipori elected on the INTERFILM board

Rome (NEV), October 26, 2019 - The three-year general assembly of INTERFILM, the European Protestant association for cinematography, ended on Sunday October 20, in...

The new issue of the “Sunday School” magazine

Rome (NEV), August 18, 2018 - The June 2018 issue of "The Sunday School", the six-monthly magazine of the Training and Education Service (SIE)...

Memorial Day 2020. Against anti-Semitism and the drift of hatred

Rome (NEV CS / 02),  January 31, 2020 - “We are alarmed by verbal and physical attacks, by violent acts and also by the...

Mafias. Maria Grazia Mazzola: There can be no ‘sleep’ if you are a responsible...

Rome (NEV), 18 January 2020 - The NEV Agency met Maria Grazia Mazzola, investigative journalist of the TG1 National News Program, to comment on...

Libya, Now The European Humanitarian Corridor

Rome (NEV), 9 luglio 2019 - It is important that the Minister of Foreign Affairs declares that "Libya is not a safe haven". The...

Lutherans. A home for prisoners worthy of penalty benefits

Rome (NEV), July 26, 2020 - The Lutheran community of Genoa is looking for partners for a project aimed at prisoners who could merit...

Ultimi Articoli

Sviluppo sostenibile. Un commento alle proposte ASVIS per l’Europa

Roma (NEV) 31 maggio 2024 - Si è concluso la scorsa settimana l’8° Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2024. 1.200 appuntamenti su tutto il territorio...

Decreto flussi: i veri numeri di un sistema che continua a creare irregolarità

Roma (NEV), 31 maggio 2024 – Presentato ieri in Senato il dossier “I veri numeri del decreto flussi: un sistema che continua a creare...

Guida al Tempo del Creato 2024. Lancio online il 5 giugno

Roma (NEV), 31 maggio 2024 - Il prossimo 5 giugno ci sarà il lancio della Guida ufficiale per le celebrazioni del Tempo del Creato...

Napoli. Al via il Festival Antimafia Sociale

Roma (NEV), 30 maggio 2024 - Anche la Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia (FCEI) ha aderito al Festival Antimafia Sociale che inizia oggi...

La GLAM segnala

30 maggio 2024 – 12^ puntata del servizio “La GLAM segnala”. Curato dalla Commissione globalizzazione e ambiente (GLAM) della Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in...