An Interview With Luca Negro: “Renewing the Ecumenical Movement”

translated by Duncan Hanson/ American Waldensian Society - This is the second part of an extensive interview with Luca Maria Negro, a longtime leader in the ecumenical...

Etika oranges are back

Roma (NEV), 17th November – Translated by Fiona Kendall - Mediterranean Hope’s Etika oranges are back. In recent weeks, FCEI’s migrant and refugee program...

An Interview With Luca Negro. Building A Welcoming Church

Translated by Duncan Hanson / American Waldensian Society - This is the first part of a longer interview with Luca Maria Negro, a longtime leader...

USA “Black Pastors Matter”

Rome (NEV), 19th November 2021 - (Translated by Fiona Kendall) - Hundreds of pastors gathered and prayed yesterday outside the court where the trial...

Refugees, new protocol for a thousand more arrivals from Lebanon via humanitarian corridors

Rome (NEV CS/15), 5th August 2021 – A new protocol was signed today by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), Waldensian Board, Community of...

The Last 20

Roma (NEV), august 2nd, 2021 - FCEI, through Mediterranean Hope (MH), was pleased to participate from 22nd – 25th July in “The Last 20”,...

Complementary Pathways for Migration, FCEI to Lead

Roma (NEV), 18th June 2021 – Green light, thanks to funding from the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission, for a...

Europe is dying on Lampedusa: appeal by FCEI

Rome (NEV), 12th May 2021 - A letter from Mediterranean Hope, migrant and refugee programme of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), which...

Lutheran Synod: continuity, change, future

Rome (NEV / CELI), May 2, 2021 - The digital session of the XXIII Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy was held...

Biblical Society in Italy. Presbyter Luca Mazzinghi elected president

Rome (NEV), May 2, 2021 – A new Board of Directors for the Biblical Society in Italy (SBI). Last Sunday's ordinary Assembly elected three...

Ultimi Articoli

Domani al via il Sinodo della Chiesa Luterana in Italia

Roma (NEV/CELI), 24 aprile 2024 – Si aprirà domani, 25 aprile,  presso l’Hotel Villa Aurelia, Via Leone XIII, 459 a Roma, il Sinodo annuale...

Difendi, cura e salva. Un mondo senza insetti è un mondo senza vita

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – È online a disposizione di tutte le persone interessate l’e-book gratuito realizzato dalla Commissione globalizzazione e ambiente (GLAM)...

Il Global Christian Forum: agiremo per la restaurazione del mondo

Roma (NEV/Riforma/CEC), 22 aprile 2024 - Dal 15 al 20 aprile  si è svolto ad Accra, la capitale del Ghana, il quarto incontro mondiale del Global Christian...

Servizio civile tra crisi del volontariato e trasformazioni del lavoro

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – Intervistando il responsabile della gestione dei volontari di Servizio civile della Diaconia valdese, Stefano Bertuzzi, abbiamo raccolto alcune...

I corridoi umanitari a Sabir

Roma (NEV), 22 aprile 2024 – Oltre 1600 persone, più di 80 relatrici e relatori per un totale di 45 eventi: 30 seminari e...