Rome (NEV), March 13, 2021 – The activities and projects involving the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) continue. The GLAM coordinator, Antonella Visintin, was in fact a guest, on February 19th, at the presentation of “WarFree – Lìberu dae sa gherra”. “WarFree” is an ethical and “unarmed” brand, designed to support local small and medium-sized businesses. This “WarFree” stamp intends to promote, enhance and empower those products and services that originate from artisanal and commercial activities in Sardinia which reject the violent economy generated by the production of weapons. “Peace is built by practicing justice,” said Antonella Visintin, commenting on the initiative. This is one of the stages of the wider “Peace Conversion Sardinia” (PECOSA) project. In particular, the project favors the intertwining of peace and sustainable development. The goal, writes, is “a new civil economy, which offers worthy work to the territory, and the enhancement of Sardinia as an island of peace, offering evidence of the existence of valid alternatives to the arms manufacturing industries”. In a previous stage, a context research was published, by the project promoters.
What is now necessary to do is to expand the network to promote the “WarFree” brand. The brand is for all those sustainable products that Sulcis (the South-East region of Sardinia whose economy in the past was based on mining actvities and nowadays is based on services, turism, fishing and agricultural activities) can offer. “There is a possibility of choice – said Visentin in her speech -. Sulcis has seen conscientious objectors who had an alternative life”. Now we have to continue on that road, work on the certification protocol and on collaborations. Visintin continued: “The e-commerce is now having an important momentum and could be a favorable distribution channel. It is also necessary to draw inspiration from the already consolidated war-free activities. It is important – she underlined – to have our international framework, in order to weave relationships and experiences”.
To this end Antonella Visintin was a guest of the 8th Rhenish Peace Conference on March 3, entitled “In the beginning was the word. The Evangelical Church on the way to a just peace”. A conference for peace promoted by the Evangelical Church of the Rhineland, attended by several international guests. Many themes on the table. First of all, arms and exports. Then, small arms in small hands, child soldiers and rights violations. Then, the recommendations for peace and mediation. Finally, the future commitments of churches and civil society. There was also a presentation of the WarFree project and of the Italian RWM Committee.
“Thist is a path in which we must put all our strengths together – concluded the GLAM coordinator, Antonella Visintin -. Active support, defense of peace and unarmed systems. This is what we are trying to do in Italy and in the world. With GLAM, the RWM conversion committee and the Evangelical Church of Baden. And with many other present and future partners”.